Realizing that your new capture page gets plenty of hits per day is always something to be proud of and will inspire you to turn up your Internet marketing to exponentially grow your traffic. The most practical way to go is to keep on doing what you used to be doing early on since your efforts have been yielding results. However, there is no proof that the traffic is coming from all of the places you have previously advertised in and if you see that some places are not working, you can abandon those efforts and concentrate even more on the areas that do yield results. Installing basic statistic scripts could be useful for basic tracking, but you should go on to improved tracking to know exactly where each visit comes from.
This may sound difficult to do especially if you do not know anything about scripting. Fortunately, if you have an autoresponder, you can improve your tracking rather easily by adding a new field to your autoresponder that asks the visitor how the visitor found your website or capture page. You can make it in the form of a combo box to make it easy for the visitor to select or you can have the person fill up a text box. Regardless of the type, make sure that the field is mandatory and you should be getting some useful data for improved tracking.
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